Welcome to Martello.Studio
Welcome to Martello.Studio
Hi, I’m Nick Martello. I love solving visual problems with a research based approach and using illustration when appropriate.

I’m an award winning Creative Director and Designer with over 18 years of experience. For 6 years I’ve led a department of six full time designers, many freelancers, and several technology focused employees. I’ve worked on a number of high profile design assignments in a variety of industries. My focus has been food and beverage marketing and menu design for clients that include Disney, Caesars Entertainment, Hyatt, and several cruise lines.
Hi, I’m Nick Martello. I love solving visual problems with a research based approach and using illustration when appropriate.

I’m an award winning Creative Director and Designer with over 18 years of experience. For 6 years I’ve led a department of six full time designers, many freelancers, and several technology focused employees. I’ve worked on a number of high profile design assignments in a variety of industries. My focus has been food and beverage marketing and menu design for clients that include Disney, Caesars Entertainment, Hyatt,
and several cruise lines.
Hi, I’m Nick Martello. I love solving visual problems with a research based approach and using illustration when appropriate.

I’m an award winning Creative Director and Designer with over 18 years of experience. For 6 years I’ve led a department of six full time designers, many freelancers, and several technology focused employees. I’ve worked on a number of high profile design assignments in a variety of industries. My focus has been food and beverage marketing and menu design for clients that include Disney, Caesars Entertainment, Hyatt,
and several cruise lines.
Hi, I’m Nick Martello. I love solving visual problems with a research based approach and using illustration when appropriate.

I’m an award winning Creative Director and Designer with over 18 years of experience. For 6 years I’ve led a department of six full time designers, many freelancers, and several technology focused employees. I’ve worked on a number of high profile design assignments in a variety of industries. My focus has been food and beverage marketing and menu design for clients that include Disney, Caesars Entertainment, Hyatt,
and several cruise lines.
Contact me at or 949-412-1583 Contact me at or 949-412-1583 Contact me at or 949-412-1583 Contact me at or 949-412-1583 Contact me at or 949-412-1583